
Monday, 20 May 2019

Narrative writing.

Once upon a time there lived a man called jack and jack lived in a house with a black pig one day jack and his pig named kama went down to the beach in Oahu called sandy beach.When they got there jack had his surfing board with him so he brang it so he could go surfing with kama did you know that kama was trained to stay on a board with a GoPro 3 Stuck to him.After they got in the water kama and jack went surfing on the wave s every wave they had surfed they had got it all on camera that is why kama had a GoPro 3 on his head.When they were on there last big wave kama was sliding up and down the surfboard lucky they had made past that wave but then jack saw one more big wave coming so jack and kama went to go surf it but when they were surfing it they were nearly out of the last wave but then kama fell off the surfboard into the water.After jack noticed that kama fell out of the water he went back after kama but jack saw something racing towards kama he looked at it closely and then it turned out that it was a great white shark racing toward kama it looked like the great white shark has not eaten food in 2 or 3 days and the shark had seen kama in the water so the shark was racing to kama so he could eat him but then jack came to save the day and rescued kama from the shark lucky jack came because if he didn’t come and rescue kama from the shark kama would of been dead meat but when jack got kama he had to surf back to shore quick cause of the shark but the shark was nearly at the surfboard so he could break the bord lucky they made it back before they got eaten but when the shark was zooming for them he bumped his head on the shore.After they had a big day they went back home to have a some dinner.On the way back from the beach kama was sticking his head out of the window and the wind was whistling past his ears.

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