
Wednesday, 20 June 2018

My Narritive writing

Once upon a time there lived a Queen and a Trapeze artist and a Monster that lived in a bush. The Queen and Trapeze artist were going to the circus to perform there item but then they fell off the train and rolled into the bush.After they opened their eyes and said “where are we right now” then they found a map that leads to the circus but they had to climb over a brick wall and they even had to jump over traps and the hardest job was that they had to build traps to catch Monster as well.When they got to the wall there was something mysteriously scary over the wall they did not no what it was in till they looked at the map again.When they got over the brick wall they saw a pile of sticks and a pile of rope by their stinky feet.The Queen and the Trapeze artist had to make a trap from the tree for them to catch the Monster but the Monster bit the trap and ripped it into little tiny pieces.Next they saw a pile of shiny metal for them to build the

same trap but out of a different material and it was a stronger material after they built it they looked back at the map and saw that the circus was on the other side of the Monster then they tested the trap and the trap worked on the Monster and they both yelled out “we’re here now”. suddenly the Trapeze artist asked the Queen do you want to learn how to do what I do on a rope and she replied oh yes please “I would love to learn how to be a trapeze artist like you” The end.Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

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