
Friday, 18 October 2019



What The most difficult choice I ever made.

When 1 year ago

Where at the dunkirk park

Why because i was so bored

Who Israel

3-4 Experiences

What do you see, hear, feel, smell, taste?



Little kids playing on the park.

Slides swings trampolines.

Descriptive language/ elaborate:

Conclusion: How are you going to finish your recount?

I am going to finish my recount.

Step 4: Start writing.

Have you ever had to make a really hard choice in your life before I have once I had to choose out of playing touch or to play netball but my choice was touch by the way if you did not know touch is my 2nd favorite sport my 1st favorite sport rugby union.There was this other time where I had to choose from lollipops or chocolate I don’t like sweets so my choice neither. Wait a minute there was this other time where I had to choose from bull rush or octopus by the way bull rush and octopus are not the same game they are really similar but are not the same in bull rush if you get tagged you can run around and chase the other people and in octopus you got to stay still and act like seaweed my choice was octopus. There was this other time where I had to choose from going to the shop or going to to the mall I chose the mall.

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